Bahay na Pula of San Ildefonso Bulacan

On our way to San Miguel de Mayumo, we spotted an elegant house along the national highway. It looked eerie and uninhabited but the entire structure still bears grandness evoking the hacienda lifestyle of the 19th century landlord.

Infamously known as the Bahay na Pula, the Ilusorio Mansion, is one of those houses taken by the Japanese Army. It was used as a garrison where Japanese soldiers reputedly massacred guerilla soldiers and rape the women of Bulacan.

The carnage that took place in the house during the Japanese occupation has inspired tales about restless souls seeking justice and revenge. One of the chilling stories is said to occur on nights when the wind soughs under the starless sky. The locals say they would hear screams and cries for help from the abandoned house. 

What stories do you know about the haunted Bahay na Pula of San Ildefonso Bulacan?